A short Hindi rant about why social media's never-ending stream of urgency is a mayajaal.

A short Hindi rant about why social media's never-ending stream of urgency is a mayajaal.
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In the early 2000s, I was publishing short stories on my blog for fun and fame.
A controversy that erupts every few years is about Hindi imposition by the north on the south. I made an episode to put my views on record.
A huge part of speculative and imaginative literature, especially its genre variants, is that strange things happen.
As someone who gets more than his share of Hindutva trolls, I learned some time ago the problem with calling Right Wing trolls names like monsters and maniacs.
I frequently write about generative AI from the perspective of a writer.
A newsletter is a very personal thing. When I subscribe to yours, I am putting my trust in you that you will send me something of your making and that it will be a result of your own labour, your lived experience, and your expertise.
For better or worse, we have all come to define our worth in terms of follower-counts.
We often talk about technology as if it is just a tool and that there isn’t anything good or bad about it.
Ever wondered why there is some kind of baba in pretty much every reel you watch these days? It's not an accident.
A long time ago, a tragedy turned into a comedy right before my eyes.
To you and I, the world makes sense. Gods are good, demons are bad, and people are helpless before either. Bodhi knows better. ☆ Written by Vijayendra Mohanty ☆ Cover art by Pradeep Yadav
Sometimes, young people write to me asking about my qualifications. This confuses me because I haven't had to worry about that in more than two decades. I realised a long time ago that our education system is designed to create the appearance of education and that true education happens in the field through work and experience. However, young people not understanding this is understandable since their world views are limited by where they stand in life. In the long run, what decides your fate is not your certificates, it's actual work you have done in the field and the appreciation that gets you from people.
The two kinds of people in your life and what you tell the universe when you choose who to pay attention to.
It feels a little strange writing this essay.
Bhaskar is the lone human attendant on an asteroid base. The AI running the station is beginning to talk though.
Ancient myths remixed for modern times by Vimoh.
I sometimes get asked how I reconcile my atheism with my creative work. More specifically, I get asked why I write stories featuring gods when I don't believe that gods exist.
One of my favourite YouTube channels about writing and storytelling Tale Foundry recently published a video about swords and why they are so common in fantasy stories.
I can press my finger against a certain interface element on my phone screen and move it to another place on the screen. I do this to make my digital space more comfortable and usable for myself. This customisation or personalisation is something I do to my digital devices for my convenience.
I do not believe in the religious claim that a god or gods exist. That makes me an atheist. I am however, not unique in having this position. Plenty of people lack belief in the claim that god or gods exist. Many even make the positive claim that gods do not exist.
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